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PhD / Doctorat international, Gestion de la production et des opérations ; mineure : Systèmes d'information de gestion

Antony Paulraj est professeur de gestion des opérations et supply chain à NEOMA Business School. Il a obtenu son doctorat en gestion des opérations à la Cleveland State University, dans l’Ohio, aux États-Unis. Ses recherches portent sur la gestion des opérations, la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, l’approvisionnement stratégique, les chaînes d’approvisionnement durables et l’innovation dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans des revues telles que Journal of Operations Management, Research Policy, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Business Ethics, entre autres. Il a donné des cours dans des programmes de premier cycle, de maîtrise et de doctorat. Il a également participé à de nombreux programmes d’éducation et de formation des cadres au Royaume-Uni, en Europe et en Inde. Avant de rejoindre le monde universitaire, il a travaillé comme consultant en technologies de l’information pendant plus de dix ans. Son expérience en matière de conseil inclut une série d’organisations aux États-Unis

Récentes contributions académiques

  • PU, X., Z. CAI, A. Y. L. CHONG, A. PAULRAJ, "Dependence structure, relational mechanisms and performance: teasing out the differences between upstream and downstream supply chain partners", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, January 2023
    DOI : 10-1108_IJOPM-04-2022-0235
  • BLOME, C., A. PAULRAJ, L. PREUSS, J. ROEHRICH, "Trust and opportunism as paradoxical tension: Implications for achieving sustainability in buyer-supplier relationships", Industrial Marketing Management, January 2023, vol. 108, pp. 94-107
    DOI : S0019850122002711
  • PAULRAJ, A., C. RAJKUMAR, C. BLOME, M. FARUQUEE, "The rugged landscape of product stewardship: Does it invoke the double-edged effect of knowledge acquisition?", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, April 2023
    DOI : 10.1108/SCM-11-2021-0501


  • PU, X., Z. CAI, A. Y. L. CHONG, A. PAULRAJ, "Dependence structure, relational mechanisms and performance: teasing out the differences between upstream and downstream supply chain partners", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, January 2023
    DOI : 10-1108_IJOPM-04-2022-0235
  • BLOME, C., A. PAULRAJ, L. PREUSS, J. ROEHRICH, "Trust and opportunism as paradoxical tension: Implications for achieving sustainability in buyer-supplier relationships", Industrial Marketing Management, January 2023, vol. 108, pp. 94-107
    DOI : S0019850122002711
  • PAULRAJ, A., C. RAJKUMAR, C. BLOME, M. FARUQUEE, "The rugged landscape of product stewardship: Does it invoke the double-edged effect of knowledge acquisition?", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, April 2023
    DOI : 10.1108/SCM-11-2021-0501
  • SHAO, J., J. DAI, A. PAULRAJ, K.-H. LAI, Y. SHOU, "Innovation as a Differentiation Strategy: Its Differential Substitution Effects on Corporate Social Responsibility", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, April 2023
    DOI : 10.1109/TEM.2023.3260195
  • FARUQUEE, M., A. PAULRAJ, C. A. IRAWAN, "A typology of supply chain resilience: recognising the multi-capability nature of proactive and reactive contexts", Production Planning and Control, 2023, pp. 1-21
    DOI : 10.1080/09537287.2023.2202151
  • BARBIERI, P., A. PAULRAJ, R. ELTANTAWY, G. PRODI, "Understanding the governance of high-performing international buyer-supplier relationships in China using complexity-based contingencies", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, October 2022, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 100794
    DOI : 10.1016/j.pursup.2022.100794
  • IRAWAN, C. A., P. S. HOFMAN, H. K. CHAN, A. PAULRAJ, "A stochastic programming model for an energy planning problem: formulation, solution method and application", Annals of Operations Research, April 2022, vol. 311, no. 2, pp. 695-730
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-020-03904-1
  • XU, D., J. DAI, A. PAULRAJ, A. Y.-L. CHONG, "Leveraging digital and relational governance mechanisms in developing trusting supply chain relationships: the interplay between blockchain and norm of solidarity", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, November 2022, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1878-1901
    DOI : 10.1108/IJOPM-02-2022-0122
  • LIM, J. J., J. DAI, A. PAULRAJ, "Collaboration as a structural aspect of proactive social sustainability: the differential moderating role of distributive and procedural justice", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, October 2022, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 1817-1855
    DOI : 10.1108/IJOPM-06-2021-0402
  • SEEPANA, C., A. PAULRAJ, P. SMART, "Relational resources for innovation ambidexterity within coopetitive relationships: the contingent role of managerial ambidexterity", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, November 2022, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1969-1994
    DOI : 10.1108/IJOPM-10-2021-0666