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Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Ingénierie, Méthodes quantitatives

Dr. Mozart Menezes est professeur à NEOMA Business School. Il a déjà été affilié au Centre Logistique MIT-Saragosse, à la HEC School of Management de Paris et au Centre de Transport et de Logistique du MIT, entre autres. Il a été ou est impliqué dans des projets de recherche, ou a travaillé auprès de plusieurs grandes entreprises, comme Acciona Energy, Alcatel-Lucent, la ville de Calgary, Danone-Nutricia, Doctors sans frontières (MSF), General Motors, Groupe Casino, P&G, Telefonica et WestJet. Il a obtenu un baccalauréat en génie civil au Brésil, une double maîtrise en sciences de l'Université Clemson, aux États-Unis, et un doctorat de la Rotman School of Management de l'Université de Toronto, Canada. Il est titulaire d’une Habilitation à Diriger des Doctorants (HDR). Ses intérêts de recherche portent sur la complexité et le risque de l'entreprise et la conception du réseau et la résilience de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Son travail a été publié dans certaines des revues les plus respectées de son domaine, tels que le Journal européen de la recherche opérationnelle, la recherche opérationnelle et le PloS-ONE.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Optimisation combinatoire
  • Complexité et risque de la chaîne de valeur
  • Conception de réseau
  • Réseaux sociaux

Récentes contributions académiques

  • MENEZES, M., R. PINTO, "Product proliferation, cannibalisation, and substitution: A first look into entailed risk and complexity", International Journal of Production Economics, January 2022, vol. 243, pp. 108327
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108327
  • PINAR-PÉREZ, J. M., D. RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M. MENEZES, "Market proliferation and the impact of locational complexity on network restructuring", Applied Mathematical Modelling, April 2022, vol. 104, pp. 315-338
    DOI : 10.1016/j.apm.2021.11.031
  • FENG, Y., M. MENEZES, "Integrated production and renewable energy generation in the presence of hydrogen energy storage", Production and Operations Management, May 2022, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 2222-2236
    DOI : 10.1111/poms.13674


  • FENG, Y., M. MENEZES, "Integrated production and renewable energy generation in the presence of hydrogen energy storage", Production and Operations Management, May 2022, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 2222-2236
    DOI : 10.1111/poms.13674
  • PINAR-PÉREZ, J. M., D. RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M. MENEZES, "Market proliferation and the impact of locational complexity on network restructuring", Applied Mathematical Modelling, April 2022, vol. 104, pp. 315-338
    DOI : 10.1016/j.apm.2021.11.031
  • MENEZES, M., R. PINTO, "Product proliferation, cannibalisation, and substitution: A first look into entailed risk and complexity", International Journal of Production Economics, January 2022, vol. 243, pp. 108327
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108327
  • MENEZES, M., H. JALALI, A. LAMAS, "One too many: product proliferation and the financial performance in manufacturing", International Journal of Production Economics, December 2021, vol. 242
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108285
  • HYNDMAN, K. B., M. MENEZES, "Behavioral pitfalls of product proliferation in supply chains: An experimental study", Decision Sciences, July 2021
    DOI : 10.1111/deci.12542
  • MENEZES, M., D. RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Y. -T. CHEN, "On the validity and practical relevance of a measure for structural complexity", International Journal of Production Economics, October 2021, vol. 240, pp. 108243
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2021.108243
  • ZAERPOUR, F., D.BISCHAK, M.MENEZES, A.MCRAE, E. S.LANG, "Patient classification based on volume and case-mix in the emergency department and their association with performance", Health Care Management Science, September 2020, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 387-400
    DOI : 10.1007/s10729-019-09495-z
  • MENEZES, M., G. J.DA SILVEIRA, "Deciphering social network influence on consumers", Industrial Management, September 2020, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 17-21
  • PEREA, F., M. MENEZES, J. A. MESA, F. RUBIO-DEL-REY, "Transportation infrastructure network design in the presence of modal competition: computational complexity classification and a genetic algorithm", TOP: An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, June 2020, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 442-474
    DOI : 10.1007/s11750-019-00537-x
  • RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, D., M. MENEZES, A. AMRANI, "An information-content based measure of proliferation as a proxi for structural complexity", International Journal of Production Economics, June 2019, vol. 212, pp. 78-91
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.02.008
  • MENEZES, M., G. J.DA SILVEIRA, R.GUIMARÃES, "Estimating demand variability and capacity costs due to social network influence: The hidden cost of connection", International Journal of Production Economics, March 2018, vol. 197, pp. 317-329
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.01.013
  • ZAERPOUR, F., D. P.BISCHAK, M.MENEZES, "Coordinated lab-clinics: A tactical assignment problem in healthcare", European Journal of Operational Research, November 2017, vol. 263, no. 1, pp. 283-294
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2017.05.012
  • MENEZES, M., S.KIM, R.HUANG, "Constructing a Watts-Strogatz network from a small-world network with symmetric degree distribution", PLoS ONE, June 2017, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. e0179120
    DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0179120
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, V.VERTER, "A rough-cut approach for evaluating location-routing decisions via approximation algorithms", Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, May 2016, vol. 87, pp. 89-106
    DOI : 10.1016/j.trb.2016.03.003
  • BERMAN, O., D.KRASS, M.MENEZES, "Directed assignment vs. customer choice in location inventory models", International Journal of Production Economics, September 2016, vol. 179, pp. 179-191
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.06.002
  • MENEZES, M., G. J.DA SILVEIRA, Z.DREZNER, "Democratic elections and centralized decisions: Condorcet and Approval Voting compared with Median and Coverage locations", European Journal of Operational Research, August 2016, vol. 253, no. 1, pp. 195-203
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.02.002
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.GUIMARAES, "The component commonality problem in a real multidimensional space: An algorithmic approach", European Journal of Operational Research, February 2016, vol. 249, no. 1, pp. 105-116
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.08.021
  • DREZNER, Z., M.MENEZES, "The wisdom of voters: evaluating the Weber objective in the plane at the Condorcet solution", Annals of Operations Research, November 2016, vol. 246, no. 1-2, pp. 205-226
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-015-1906-5
  • GUEYE, S., M.MENEZES, "General asymptotic and submodular results for the Median Problem with Unreliable Facilities", Operations Research Letters, September 2015, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 519-521
    DOI : 10.1016/j.orl.2015.07.005
  • MENEZES, M., M.KETZENBERG, R.OLIVA, R.METTERS, "Service delivery to moving demand points using mobile servers", International Journal of Production Economics, October 2015, vol. 168, pp. 158-166
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.06.024
  • MENEZES, M., R.HUANG, "Comparison of Condorcet and Weber solutions on a plane: Social choice versus centralization", Computers and Operations Research, October 2015, vol. 62, pp. 350-355
    DOI : 10.1016/j.cor.2013.12.007
  • MENEZES, M., S.KIM, R.HUANG, "Return-on-investment (ROI) criteria for network design", European Journal of Operational Research, August 2015, vol. 245, no. 1, pp. 100-108
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.03.009
  • CEDILLO-CAMPOS, M. G., C.SÁNCHEZ-RAMÍREZ, S.VADALI, J. C.VILLA, M.MENEZES, "Supply chain dynamics and the “cross-border effect”: The U.S.–Mexican border’s case", Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 2014, vol. 72, pp. 261-273
    DOI : 10.1016/j.cie.2014.03.015
  • BERMAN, O., D.KRASS, M.MENEZES, "Location and reliability problems on a line: Impact of objectives and correlated failures on optimal location patterns", Omega, August 2013, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 766-779
    DOI : 10.1016/j.omega.2012.09.002
  • HUANG, R., M.MENEZES, S.KIM, "The impact of cost uncertainty on the location of a distribution center", European Journal of Operational Research, April 2012, vol. 218, no. 2, pp. 401-407
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.11.016
  • BERMAN, O., A.GAVIOUS, M.MENEZES, "Optimal response against bioterror attack on airport terminal", European Journal of Operational Research, June 2012, vol. 219, no. 2, pp. 415-424
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.12.036
  • LUO, K., L.KERBACHE, M.MENEZES, C.VAN DELFT, "A generalized single product and single-period inventory problem with non-linear parameters", International Transactions in Operational Research, May 2012, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 421-433
    DOI : 10.1111/j.1475-3995.2011.00829.x
  • HUANG, R., S.KIM, M.MENEZES, "Facility location for large-scale emergencies", Annals of Operations Research, December 2010, vol. 181, no. 1, pp. 271-286
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-010-0736-8
  • BERMAN, O., D.KRASS, M.MENEZES, "Locating Facilities in the Presence of Disruptions and Incomplete Information", Decision Sciences, November 2009, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 845-868
    DOI : 10.1111/j.1540-5915.2009.00253.x
  • BERMAN, O., R.HUANG, S.KIM, M.MENEZES, "Locating capacitated facilities to maximize captured demand", IIE Transactions, January 2007, vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 1015-1029
    DOI : 10.1080/07408170601142650
  • BERMAN, O., D.KRASS, M.MENEZES, "Facility Reliability Issues in Network -Median Problems: Strategic Centralization and Co-Location Effects", Operations Research, April 2007, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 332-350
    DOI : 10.1287/opre.1060.0348
  • MENEZES, M., S.KIM, R.HUANG, "Optimal workforce size and allocation for urban retail chains", European Journal of Operational Research, December 2006, vol. 175, no. 2, pp. 1151-1163
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2005.06.038

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • MENEZES, M., "Voting for locating facilities: The wisdom of voters" in Contributions to Location Analysis - In Honor of Zvi Drezner’s 75th Birthday., H. A. Eiselt & Vladimir Marianov Ed., Springer Science, 2019

Academic conferences

  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.PINTO, "Chasing the Right Type of Growth Through Supply Chain Design" in INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2020, Washington DC (virtual meeting), United States
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Network Design under Uncertain Demand:an Alternative Capacitated Location DecisionFramework" in X International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems, Sevilla, Spain, January 23-24, 2020
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, "Designing Supply Chains via locating knapsacks in a business-to-business environment." in 9th IFAC conference MIM, 2019, Berlin, Germany
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, "Dual SKU Rationalisation and Location Problems: Locating Facilities for Heterogeneous Customers" in 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019), 2019, Dublin
  • MENEZES, M., D.BISCHAK, F.ZAERPOUR, "Measuring Complexity in Healthcare Systems" in INFORMS, 2017, Houston, Texas, United States
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, J. M. P.PEREZ, "Understanding the Impact Of Complexity On Facility Location" in INFORMS, 2017
  • MENEZES, M., "The effect of product’s short lifecycle on network design" in ISOLDE XIV, 2017, Toronto, Canada
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, "Relevant measure for quantifying supply chain complexity" in IFORS, 2017, Quebec City, Canada
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, A.AMRANI, "Measuring supply chain complexity: Method and relevance" in EurOMA, 2017, Edinburg, United Kingdom
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, "A framework for measuring supply chain complexity with internal and external consistency" in POM International Conference 2017, 2017, Sydney, Australia
  • MENEZES, M., G. J.DA SILVEIRA, R.GUIMARAES, "Estimating Demand Variability Due To Social Network Influence: Hidden Costs of A Connect World" in Sunbelt, 2016, Newport Beach, United States
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, K.LUO, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "New products supply chains: the effect of short lifecycles on the supply chain network design" in REDLOCA, 2015, Barcelona
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, S.GUEYE, "Analyzing the impact of capacity volatility on the design of a supply chain network" in REDLOCA, 2015, Barcelona
  • MENEZES, M., V.VERTER, D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, "Practical benchmarks for location-routing decisions via approximation algorithms" in 27th European Conference on Operational Research, 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • MENEZES, M., G. J.DA SILVEIRA, R.GUIMARAES, "Social Network Influence on Demand and its Impact on Forecast Accuracy" in EWGLA, 2015
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, K.LUO, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "New Product Network Design: Facility Location and Capacity Decisions under Uncertainty" in Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences Conference, INFORMS, 2015, Philadelphia,, United States
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.GUIMARAES, "The Component Commonality Problem in a Real Multidimensional Space" in CMS Conference, 12th International Conference on Computational Management Science, 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
  • MENEZES, M., F.ZAERPOUR, D.BISCHAK, "Scheduling Coordinated Respirology Lab-clinics to Maximize the Service Level under Stochastic Time" in INFORMS, 2014, San Francisco, United States
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.GUIMARAES, "The Multidimensional Component Commonality Problem: Re-visiting facility location problems" in INFORMS, 2014, San Francisco, United States
  • MENEZES, M., V.VERTER, "Practical Benchmarks for Location-Routing Decisions via Approximation Algorithms" in IFORS, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.GUIMARAES, "Component Commonality: the p-Median solution to a product design problem" in IFORS, 2014
  • MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, R.GUIMARAES, "Practical Benchmarks for Location-Routing Decisions via Approximation Algorithms" in INFORMS, 2014
  • MENEZES, M., S.GUEYE, "The Variable-Capacitated Facility Location Problem" in Canadian Operational Research Society – CORS – Annual Conference, 2013
  • MENEZES, M., S.GUEYE, "The Unreliable Capacitated Facility Location Problem: Submodularity and Bounding Techniques" in INFORMS, 2013, Minneapolis
  • MENEZES, M., V.VERTER, "Approximation Algorithms for Location-routing Problems: Creating Benchmark for Strategic Decisions" in INFORMS, 2013
  • MENEZES, M., S.GUEYE, "The Stochastically Capacitated Location Problem" in EURO/INFORMS, 2013
  • MENEZES, M., Z.DREZNER, "The Wisdom of Voters - Evaluating the Benevolent Dictators’ Objective at the Condorcet Solution when Locating Facilities" in BICSS, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • MENEZES, M., H.JALALI, A.LAMAS, "Too busy to make profits: Product proliferation in a make-to-stock environment." Talk @ Sheffield University. 2020, Sheffield, Royaume-Uni
  • LAMAS, A., M.MENEZES, H.JALALI, "One too many: Product proliferation and the financial performance in manufacturing" Distinguished Speakers Series - NEOMA Business School. 2020, Rouen, France
  • LAMAS, A., M.MENEZES, H.JALALI, "One too many: Product proliferation and the financial performance in manufacturing" Seminario Industrial UCN - Universidad Catolica del Norte - Chile. 2020, Antofagasta, Chili
  • MENEZES, M., R.PINTO, "Too busy to make profits: Product proliferation in a make-to-stock environment" OMDS Research Seminar, Sheffield University Management School. 2020, Sheffield, Royaume-Uni
  • MENEZES, M., "Publishing research in supply chain management and operations research" Guest Speaker at the International Maritime College Oman – IMCO, Logistics and Transport Management Department, Sultanate of Oman. 2020, Suhar (virtual meeting), Oman
  • JALALI, H., M.MENEZES, "Does higher variety lead to more bullwhip effect?" Distinguished Speakers Series – SISCAD Department Research Seminar - Neoma Business School. 2019, Paris, France
  • MENEZES, M., "The impact of product proliferation on the supply chain performance: A research line" Sabanci University. 2019, Istanbul, Turquie
  • MENEZES, M., "A framework and preliminary results on supply chains' structural complexity" CESIT’s Seminar Series – Supply Chain & Complexity Management Lab (sc2m lab). 2017, Bordeaux, France
  • MENEZES, M., "Supply Chain Complexity and Profit & Loss(P&L): An attempt to understand the true cost of complexity" Kedge Insights-Breakfast @ Hotel Intercontinental Paris Le Grand. 2017, Paris, France
  • MENEZES, M., "A rough-cut approach for evaluating location-routing decisions via approximation algorithms" Workshop on Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Optimization of Public Transport. 2017, Seville, Espagne
  • MENEZES, M., "Measuring Supply Chain Complexity in Industrial and Services Environments" Colegio Universitario de Estudos Financeiros (CUNEF) Seminar Series in Managements Science and Quantitative Economics. 2017, Madrid, Espagne
  • MENEZES, M., "Why Managing a Supply Chain is a Tough Business”. A talk part of the series “Chatting with the industry" Kedge Business Club Conferences. 2016, Bordeaux, France
  • MENEZES, M., "Social Network Influence on Purchasing Decisions" Sixth OSCM Research Fair. 2014, Calgary, Canada
  • MENEZES, M., "Potential Root Causes of Problems when Managing a Supply Chain" CUNEF–Ingenium Research Seminar Series. 2014, Madrid, Espagne
  • MENEZES, M., "Social Network Influence on Variability of Demand: The Hidden Cost of a Connected World" Canadian Operational Research Society – Calgary. Professional Development Seminar. 2014, Calgary, Canada
  • MENEZES, M., "The Unreliable Facility Location Problem: Mitigating the Consequences of Facility Failure through Network Design" CUNEF–Ingenium Research Seminar Series. 2014, Madrid, Espagne
  • MENEZES, M., "The Impact of Social Network Influences on the Cost of Capacity Reservation" University of Lethbridge, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. 2014, Lethbridge, Canada
  • MENEZES, M., "Anticipating Disasters: Locating Facilities for Mitigation" Laboratoire de Génie Industriel et Production Mécanique (LGPIM), Université de Lorraine. 2013, Lorraine, France
  • BERMAN, O., D.KRASS, M.MENEZES, "Inventory-location models for remote and direct retailing with time-sensitive demand" dans 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2007, Singapour
    DOI : 10.1109/IEEM.2007.4419209

Revues professionnelles

  • MENEZES, M., "How to forecast the influence social networks have on demand? The Matrix case", LE BLOG - Neoma, November 2020