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PhD, Economics

Rouslan KOUMAKHOV est Professeur à NEOMA Business School depuis septembre 2004. Il a obtenu ses doctorats en sciences économiques à l’Institut de l’économie mondiale et relations internationales (Moscou) et ensuite à l’Université Paris-10 Nanterre. Il enseigne dans les domaines suivants : comportement organisationnel, Leadership, Management d’équipes, Management multiculturel. Au centre de ses intérêts de recherche sont la théorie des organisations, processus décisionnel, comportement organisationnel, épistémologie des sciences sociales, sociologie économique, conventions et routines, théories sociales appliquées aux décisions organisationnelles. Il est l’un des spécialistes les plus reconnus de l’approche cognitiviste simonien des organisations. Les résultats de ses recherches sont publiés dans Journal of Management Studies, Industrial and Corporate Change et Journal of Economic Methodology.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Processus décisionnel
  • Règles et routines organisationnelles
  • Réalisme critique
  • Cognition et management

Récentes contributions académiques

  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A. DAOUD, "Decisions and Structures: A Dialogue between Herbert Simon and Critical Realists", British Journal of Management, October 2021, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1404-1420
    DOI : 10.1111/1467-8551.12439


  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A. DAOUD, "Decisions and Structures: A Dialogue between Herbert Simon and Critical Realists", British Journal of Management, October 2021, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 1404-1420
    DOI : 10.1111/1467-8551.12439
  • BROMILEY, P., R.KOUMAKHOV, D. M.ROUSSEAU, W.STARBUCK, "The Challenges of March and Simon’s Organizations :Introduction to the Special Issue", Journal of Management Studies, December 2019, vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 1517-1526
    DOI : 10.1111/joms.12534
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A.DAOUD, "Routine and reflexivity: Simonian cognitivism vs practice approach", Industrial and Corporate Change, August 2017, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 727-743
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Conventionalism, coordination and mental models: from Poincaré to Simon", Journal of Economic Methodology, September 2014, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 251-272
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "L'entreprise russe face à la crise systémique : compromis organisationnels et principes de justification", Socio-Économie du Travail (anc. E&S, Economie du Travail), June 2012, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1157-1181
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Conventions in Herbert Simon's theory of bounded rationality", Journal of Economic Psychology, June 2009, no. 3, pp. 293-306
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Le modèle d'Aoki face aux modes de coordination de type soviétique et post-soviétique", Revue Economique, January 2003, no. 54, pp. 71-97
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., B.NAJMAN, "La question des sureffectifs en Russie : une explication en termes de compétences", Revue Economique, July 2001, no. 4, pp. 915-941
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Règles, pouvoir et travail dans les entreprises soviétiques et post-soviétiques", Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, March 1998, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 143-175
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Theory of Conventions and Enterprise Analysis", Voprosy Economiki, October 1997, vol. 10, pp. 85-89
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "La Russie en panne de démocratisation économique", Economie et Humanisme, January 1993, no. 324, pp. 78-80

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Rationalité limitée et Economie des Conventions" in Dictionnaire des conventions., BATIFOULIER P. et al. Ed., Presse Universitaire du Septentrion, pp. 262-265, 2016
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Simon on Social Identification: Two Connections with Bounded Rationality" in Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon., FRANTZ R. and MARSH L. Ed., Editions Palgrave-MacMillan, pp. 209-226, 2016
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Les relations de pouvoir dans les entreprises russes : ajustements internes et justice locale contre le chômage" in Approches institutionnalistes des inégalités en économie sociale., BATIFOULIER Philippe, GHIRARDELLO Ariane, DE LARQUIER Guillemette, REMILLON Delphine Eds, L'Harmattan, pp. 227-241, 2007
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon et Economie des Conventions" in L'économie des conventions - Méthodes et résultats., EYMARD-DUVERNAY François Ed., La Découverte - Série Recherches, pp. 197-210, 2006
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Mobilité externe, mobilité interne : le cas de la Russie" in Les mutations du travail en Europe., BOUTILLER Sophie Boutillier, LESTRADE Brigitte Eds, L'Harmattan, pp. 389-405, 1999
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "L’émergence de nouvelles formes de coordination en Russie" in A l’Est, du nouveau. Changements institutionnels et transformations économiques., DELORME Robert Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 165-190, 1996

Academic conferences

  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Logical empiricist roots of the values/facts distinction in Herbert Simon’s decision theory" in EURAM -European Academy of Management, 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A.DAOUD, "Simon and Critical Realists on Decisions and Structures" in European Academy of Management, 2016, Paris, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A.DAOUD, "Routines, bounded rationality and reflexivity: where Simon meets critical realists" in AOM Annual Conference, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A.DAOUD, "Routines, procedural rationality and reflexivity: where critical realists meet Simon" in PROS Annual Conference, 2014, Rodos, Greece
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Social Identification and the Financial Crisis" in Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) 26th Annual Conference, 2014, Chicago, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Cognition, Social Identification and Financial Crisis: A Simonian Approach" in AOM Annual Conference, 2014, Philadelphia, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Conventions, social identifications and rationality: some applications to financial crisis" in 25th EAEPE (European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy) Conference, 2013, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Ethics, Rationality and Economic Decisions" in 14th ASE World Congress for Social Economics, 2012, United Kingdom
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon's Theory of Authority" in 12th EURAM Annual Conference, 2012, Netherlands
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Organizational and professional identifications: Self reinforcement and conformity" in 28th EGOS Colloquium, 2012, Finland
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Identifications and mental states: two approaches and some implications for the financial crisis" in EURAM, Estonia Business School, 2011, Estonia
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "L'entreprise russe face à la crise systémique : compromis organisationnels et normes de justice" in Congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie (AFS), 2011, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Theory as practice: the economic psychology of Simon and Schelling" in Annual European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Conference, 2010, Netherlands
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Organizational ethics and legitimacy as conventional phenomena : a meeting of philosophy and social psychology of organizations" in EURAM 2010 Conference, 2010, Italy
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Psychologie économique des conventions" in Colloque international 'Conventions : l'intersubjectif et le normatif', 2009, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon revisited: rationality, social representations and organizational identity" in 29th International Congress of Psychology, 2008, Germany
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Les relations de pouvoir dans les entreprises russes : ajustements internes et justice locale contre le chômage" in XXVIIe Journées de l'Association d'Economie Sociale, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 2007, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Commons and Simon: Institutions as Conventional Rules" in Annual Meeting of the Association for Institutional Economics, 2007, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "The theory of power of Herbert Simon" in Association for Heterodox Economics Conference, 2007, United Kingdom
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon revisited: rationality, organization and social representations" in 13th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2007, Sweden
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Bounded rationality, coordination and social representations" in ICAPE Conference on Economic Pluralism for the 21st Century, 2007, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon as a Conventionalist Theorist" in 2nd International Conference on Social Science Research, 2005, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "La théorie du pouvoir de Herbert Simon : une lecture conventionaliste" in Congrès de l’Association française de sociologie (AFS), 2004, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "The theory of power of Herbert Simon" in Association for Social Economics, 2004, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Le paradigme de Simon : un soutien pour l'analyse conventionaliste de l'entreprise" in Colloque Economie de la firme : quelles nouveautés ?, 2003, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon et Economie des Conventions" in Conference Conventions et Institutions, 2003, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., B.NAJMAN, "Labor Hoarding in Russia: Where Does It Come From?" in 8th International Congress of Econometric Society, 2000, United States
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., B.NAJMAN, "Labor Hoarding in Russia: Where Does It Come From?" in International Atlantic Economic Society, 1999, Canada

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Logical empiricist roots of the values/facts distinction in Herbert Simon’s decision theory" Philosophie et théorie économiques. 2019, Reims, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Logical empiricist roots of understanding values in Herbert Simon’s decision theory" dans The 4th International Conference Economic Philosophy, 2018, Lyon, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Une lecture conventionnaliste du conventionnalisme post-lewisien" dans Journée d'études "Penser le changement dans l'Economie des Conventions", Université du Havre, 2015, Le Havre, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Identification sociale et crise financière" Conventions Seminar, Université de Paris Ouest - La Défense. 2014, Nanterre, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., A.DAOUD, "Routines and reflexivity: cognitivism and critical realism" dans Joint Workshop "Social Norms, Transformation and Organizational Decision-Making" (NEOMA Business School - Centre for Social and Organizational Studies / Henley Business School), 2014, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Routines, reflexivity and organizations : where critical realists meet Simon. Annual Workshop" dans Centre for Social and Organizational Studies, Henley Business School, 2013, Henley, Royaume-Uni
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Social identification: some implications for the financial crisis" International business and strategy seminar. 2013
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Professional and organizational identifications" CALI, Reims Management School. 2012, Reims, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Social identification: A Simonian approach" VIP seminar, Reims Management School. 2011, Reims, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Heterodoxies" Matisse Seminar, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2007, Paris, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Conventions" Université Paris Nanterre. 2004, Nanterre, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., "Herbert Simon: a conventionalist theorist?" dans Association for Heterodox Economics, 2003, Royaume-Uni
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., B.NAJMAN, "Labor Hoarding in Russia: Analysis in terms of Competences" Roses seminar, Université Paris. 2000, Paris, France
  • KOUMAKHOV, R., B.NAJMAN, "La question du sureffectif en Russie. Une explication en termes de compétences" Act-FORUM Seminar. 2000, Nanterre, France