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HONG Hae-Jung

PhD, Sciences Economiques, Sociales et de Gestion, Comportement et Management des organisations

Hae-Jung HONG est professeur assistant à NEOMA Business School. Elle a obtenu son doctorat à l'ESSEC et a été chercheur invité à l'INSEAD. Dr. Hong a été sélectionnée comme finaliste pour le Barry M. Richman's Best Doctoral Dissertation Award par la division IM lors de l'AOM, 2013 et a reçu un Highly Commended Award Winner des 2013 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards dans la catégorie Management and Governance. Les recherches du Dr. Hong portent sur les aspects multiculturels tels que les contributions pour l'innovation des entreprises, les facteurs contextuels leur permettant d'apporter des avantages concurrentiels et le travail sur l'identité.  Ses travaux ont été publiés dans Journal of International Business Studies, dans Harvard Business Review (sélectionné par HBR Press comme l'un des "10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures"), dans International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. En outre, ses travaux ont été publiés dans Forbes et South China Morning Post. Dr. Hong a beaucoup travaillé avec des organisations et des managers, tant en Europe qu'en Corée.

Domaines de spécialisation

  • Multicultural
  • Capital humain stratégique
  • Avantage concurrentiel
  • Méthode qualitative

Récentes contributions académiques

  • KUMAR, A., A. SHANKAR, A. K. TIWARI, H.-J. HONG, "Understanding dark side of online community engagement: an innovation resistance theory perspective", Information Systems and e-Business Management, March 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10257-023-00633-3
  • HONG, H.-J., D. MINBAEVA, "Multiculturals as strategic human capital resources in multinational enterprises", Journal of International Business Studies, February 2022, vol. 53, pp. 195-125
    DOI : 10.1057/s41267-021-00463-w
  • HONG, H.-J., H. SHIN, D. COLLINGS, "Where is the CSR-HRM Nexus? From Different CSR Practitioners' Experiences" in Academy of Management Conference, 2022, Seattle, United States


  • KUMAR, A., A. SHANKAR, A. K. TIWARI, H.-J. HONG, "Understanding dark side of online community engagement: an innovation resistance theory perspective", Information Systems and e-Business Management, March 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10257-023-00633-3
  • HONG, H.-J., D. MINBAEVA, "Multiculturals as strategic human capital resources in multinational enterprises", Journal of International Business Studies, February 2022, vol. 53, pp. 195-125
    DOI : 10.1057/s41267-021-00463-w
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ, "L’Oréal Masters Multiculturalism", Harvard Business Review, June 2013, no. June 2013
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ, "Les Talents Spéciaux Des Cadres Multiculturels", Harvard Business Review, April 2013, no. 1
  • HONG, H.-J., "Bicultural competence and its impact on multicultural team effectiveness", International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, April 2010, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 93-120

Chapitre d'ouvrage

  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ , "HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures" in Harvard Business Review Press., N/A Ed., INSEAD Business School, pp. 35-45, 2016
  • HONG, H.-J., J.TAKAGI, "Leading global teams: Multicultural leaders’ perceptions of team functions and work processes”" in Uncertainty, Diversity and The Common Good., S. Groschl (Eds.) Ed., Grower, 2013

Academic conferences

  • HONG, H.-J., "Shin, H. M., Hong, H. J., & Collings, D. "Where is the CSR-HRM Nexus? From Different CSR Practitioners' Experiences"" in 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022, 2022, Vienna, Austria
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multicultural Employees Roles in the New Product Development" in Academy of Management Conference, 2022, Seattle, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., H. SHIN, D. COLLINGS, "Where is the CSR-HRM Nexus? From Different CSR Practitioners' Experiences" in Academy of Management Conference, 2022, Seattle, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., A. METIU, "Multiculturals’ Boundary Work in the New Product Development" in Understanding the Inclusive Organisation, 2019, Boston, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., J. TAKAGI, "Culture Work: How multiculturals do cultural identity work and its implications for their work performance and well-being" in Enlightening the Future, 35th EGOS Colloquium, 2019, European Group of Organization Studies, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • HONG, H.-J., D. MINBAEVA, "Multiculturals as Strategic Human Capital Resources in MNEs" in Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, 2019, Copenhague, Denmark
  • HONG, H.-J., D.MINBAEVA, "Multiculturals as Strategic Human Capital in MNEs", Academy of Management, 2017, Atlanta, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals’ Cultural Brokerage : their Roles in New Product Development Teams" in American Sociology Association, 2017, Montreal
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ, "Multiculturals as Knowledge Worker in Context: Boundary Conditions for Knowledge Integration for Global Innovation" in Strategy Management Society Conference, 2015, Denver, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., "Effective Global Talent Management" in EIASM, 4th Annual Workshop in Talent Management, 2015, Valencia, Spain
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturalism and Global Talent Management" in EIASM, 30th Strategic Human Resource Management Workshop, 2015, Brussels, Belgium
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals as Cultural Brokers for Organization Innovation" in Academy of Management Conference (IM Divisions), 2014, Philadelphia, United States
  • DOZ, Y., H.-J.HONG, "Intra-personal Determinants of Global Team Effectiveness" in Strategic Management Society, Special Conference in ‘Human Capital Strategy’, 2014, Copenhagen, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., S.SCHNEIDER, J.TAKAGI, "Culture Work: How Multicultural Employees Negotiate Their Cultural Identity and its Implications for Their Work Roles" in 8th Organization Studies Summer for Special Issue on Organization and the Day to Day Life of Cultures and Communities, 2013
  • HONG, H.-J., "The Roles of Multiculturals in Teams: How they influence team work processes and outcome" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2011, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals in Organizations" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2010, Canada
  • HONG, H.-J., "Having Both and Bringing More: The Advantages of Different Biculturals in Organizations" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2010, Canada
  • HONG, H.-J., "The roles of bicultural employees in multicultural teams" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2009, United States
  • HONG, H.-J., "Bicultural competence and its impact on team effectiveness" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2009, United States

Communication dans une conférence sans actes

  • HONG, H.-J., "An Integrative view on Refugee Research: New Research Insights and Lessons Learned for Academics" dans Academy of Management, 2020, Virtual Conference, États-Unis co-auteurs présentés
  • HONG, H.-J., D.MINBAEVA, "Multiculturals as Strategic Human Capital in MNEs" dans At the Interface, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2017, Atlanta, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals’ Cultural Brokerage in Organizations" dans ASA Annual Meeting: “Culture, Inequalities and Social Inclusion Across the Globe", 2017, Montreal, Canada
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multicultural Workers as Cultural Brokers in Different Contexts: A Comparative Ethnography Study of MNCs in Consumer Goods and Auditing/Business Consulting" Brown Bag Series - Neoma Business School. 2016, France
  • HONG, H.-J., "Global Talent Management" Neoma Research Day. 2016, Rouen, France
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturalism and Global Talent Management”" dans EIASM, 30th Strategic Human Resource Management Workshop, 2015, Brussels, Belgique
  • HONG, H.-J., "Effective Global Talent Management" dans EIASM, 4th Annual Workshop in Talent Management, 2015, Valencia, Espagne
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals as Knowledge Worker in Context: Boundary Conditions for Knowledge Integration for Global Innovation”" dans Strategy Management Society Conference, Denver, 2015, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ, "Intra-personal Determinants of Global Team Effectiveness" dans Strategic Management Society, Special Conference in ‘Human Capital Strategy’, 2014, Copenhagen, Danemark
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals as Cultural Brokers for Organization Innovation" dans Academy of Management Conference (IM Divisions), 2014, Philadelphia, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ, M.BRANNEN, P.Y., "Sharing complex knowledge at a distance: dream or reality?" dans Organization Science Winter Conference XiX, 2013, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "Biculturalism: competence and its impact on organizations" dans Trans-Atlantic Doctoral Conference at London Business School, 2012, Royaume-Uni
  • HONG, H.-J., "Biculturals: A Key to Effective Global Innovations" dans Academy of International Business, 2012, Italie
  • HONG, H.-J., J.TAKAGI, "Leading global teams: Leaders' perceptions of team functions and processes" dans EIJM Pre-publication conference, 2012, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "When Multiculturals Become Cultural Brokers? The Impact of Contextual Factors on Multiculturals: Comparative ethnographic study in two MNCs" dans Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), 2012, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "Who are biculturals and why do organizations need them?" dans Global and Cross-Cultural Management PhD Workshop, University of Aarhus, 2012, Danemark
  • HONG, H.-J., "The Roles of Multiculturals in Teams" dans 6th Annual Joint Symposium on Ethnography: Theory, Form and Practice, 2012, Royaume-Uni
  • HONG, H.-J., J.TAKAGI, "Leading Diverse Teams: Team leaders' perceptions of diversity as a business case" dans 27th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2011, Suède
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals in Organizations" dans 2nd Thought Leadership Conference on Biculturalism, 2010, Émirats Arabes Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "Multiculturals in Organizations" dans Academy of International Business, 2010, Brésil
  • HONG, H.-J., "Bicultural competence and multicultural team effectiveness" dans 25th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2009, Espagne
  • HONG, H.-J., "The roles played by bicultural employees for multicultural team effectiveness" dans Academy of International Business, 2009, États-Unis
  • HONG, H.-J., "Biculturalism in Korea" dans 1st Thought Leadership Conference on Biculturalism, 2008, États-Unis

Revues professionnelles

  • HONG, H. -J., Y. DOZ , "The rise of multicultural managers” * This article was selected as the most read and accessed article in the INSEAD Knowledge (knowledge.insead.com) in 2013.", Forbes.com, 2013
  • HONG, H.-J., Y.DOZ , "Multicultural gems hidden in the rank", South China Morning Post, August 2013